if it goes around properly in a group chat, you can barely follow the news. That's why Telegram introduced the "Slow Mode". This slows down the chats and makes them easier to read.
When you participate in a typical Mecker chat, the news often follows at such a pace that you can barely keep up with reading. The slow mode of Telegram is a welcome tool for chat admins, with which they can take pressure from the excitement.
This activates the slow mode for telegram
You must be the group admin so that you can activate the slow mode in Telegram. The admin decides on all permissions within the group and only he can set the interval at which the members can send their messages.The slow mode applies to all members of the group. It controls how much time must elapse between the individual postings of the members before they can send one again. The thing then works so that the sender's "send icon" disappears and is replaced by a counting down timer. If the forced break has expired, the icon will reappear and he can send his message.
If slow mode is enabled, the admin can also add exceptions. For this he marks selected group members, who can write at any time without a break. The admin himself is allowed to write anytime anyway.
How to activate the slow mode in telegram:
- Open the group.
- At the top, click on the name of the group. The "edit symbol" will then appear in the form of a pen.
- Touch the stylus to edit the group.
- Now you see the menu item "permissions" below - tap it.
- Below the different group rights you will see the area "Slow Mode".
- Now move the slider to the desired time interval.
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