1. Challenge the Pokémon Masters League
Pokémon Masters is a story-based mobile game, so you do not have to compete with other players, but you can progress at your own pace. So far, 18 chapters are available to you in story mode , but more will be added in the future. These chapters usually consist of history and combat levels, each completed by a boss level.Pokémon Masters is the first game to play on the new artificial island of Passio . Here, numerous well-known and unknown coaches gather to measure powers in the World Pokémon Masters. The participants find themselves together to the so-called companions , they always consist of a trainer and his favorite Pokémon. Wild Pokémon does not exist in Pokémon Masters. By fighting companions in the wild, who are WPM leaders, you will receive medals. If you have collected five medals , you can compete in the WPM itself.
But before you start fighting, you can create your own character . You have the choice between male and female, besides you are available per gender different skin types, eye colors and hair colors. Then you will set your own name. At first, it is not possible to find out whether further optical adjustment options, such as cosmetic items, are being added, is not yet known.
2. The Pokémon Center is your retreat
Right at the beginning you will find yourself in the Pokémon Center in Central City. From now on, your retreat will be where you exchange information with other (AI-played) coaches and prepare you for your next adventure. Here are several options available:- Story Mode, Companion Story, Co-op Match, Events and the Training Area. In the Fellowship story, the coaches are set from the beginning, when you finish them, you not only learn background information and fun facts, but also continues to rise in level. At the events, the coach is also set, with him you will experience a special story. If you close the event, you get the protagonist concerned. However, event missions are limited in time. But do not worry, if you have not completed it in time: Story Events can return - and then you can pick up where you last left off.
- In the shop , located on the left side of the Pokémon Center, you can buy new companions, items and more with the in-game currencies, level up your fellow attacks and buy real-money jewels (see point 6).
- There is also the café on the right side of the Pokémon Center . In it you can adjust your team as well as increase your level and potential.
- Poryfon . Here you can find all the information about you as a coach and can change the basic settings of the game.
3. The individual companions can not be changed
Companions are always joined by some of the past games or the series of famous coaches (regardless of whether Arena leader, top four member, champ or others) and his favorite Pokémon together. Your own character has Pikachu, Rocko forms a companion with Onix and Blue always has his Tauboss on the side. You can not assign another Pokémon to the respective coaches , but you will meet numerous companions during the game who can fight at your side.And even if you coaches can not assign new Pokémon: After all, you can develop them ! The companions concerned who are able to do this must reach a certain level. Afterwards, you will receive development area information. To activate them, you must pay development splinters or development lumps with the item. Then the corresponding development companion episode will be unlocked. If you close it, the Pokémon in question develops - and learns at best attacks that it would not have gotten without development.
Companions are unlocked either after fighting in story mode or after speaking with them in the Pokémon Center. However, companions can also be bought in the shop (more on this at point 6). There are currently 65 different Companions in Pokémon Masters , and in the future it will be even more. In combat, three companions always compete against three. Your team always consists of three companions . Which are these you determine freely in advance.
Each companion, as in the classic Pokémon games has a maximum of two specific types, with which he is particularly effective , but also has its own weaknesses . For example, Rocko and his onix specialize in stone, but take special damage from plant Pokémon. Before you go into the fight, you will see what is most effective against the next opponent - so you can adjust your team in advance perfectly to the requirements.
Each companion, as in the classic Pokémon games has a maximum of two specific types, with which he is particularly effective , but also has its own weaknesses . For example, Rocko and his onix specialize in stone, but take special damage from plant Pokémon. Before you go into the fight, you will see what is most effective against the next opponent - so you can adjust your team in advance perfectly to the requirements.
4. The Battle Roles affect your tactics
But not only individual types have the companions, but also one of the three following roles in combat:- Strike is especially effective in attack.
- Support has a particularly high HP and can strengthen allies with passive skills.
- Tech can change the status of companions and weaken opponents with passive abilities.
5. There are different kinds of attacks - and they are all different effective
Unlike in the classic Pokémon games, the battles take place in real time - you have to get used to that at first. You win when all opposing Companions have been defeated. In combat, you have different attack types available, all of which have different deployment conditions:- Standard attacks: At the bottom of the screen you will find the Move-Bar. Depending on how far it is filled, different strong standard attacks can be performed. The Move-Bar will share all your companions, so you have to choose wisely which attack you will start next. Which Pokémon you attack, you decide in advance.
- Trainer Skills: These are mostly passive effects such as healing Pokémon or certain buffs. These can only be used to a limited extent per fight. How often, you will be shown on the screen.
- Companion Attacks : A particularly powerful attack, similar to the Z attacks from Pokémon Sun and Moon . These can be activated if you have performed a certain number of normal actions (standard attack or trainer ability). How many such actions you still need until you can activate the Companion Attack will also be displayed on the screen.
- Harmony Attacks: An additional attack that is even stronger than the Fellowship Attack. The harmonic attack, however, can only be used in co-op. Its effectiveness depends on the type of fellow who carries it out. It forms the conclusion of the activated harmony bar, which gives your companions more AP for a short time.
- Passive Abilities: These will be unlocked during the game. When active, they are automatically applied in combat.
6. You need items to level up and learn new actions
There are four different currencies in Pokémon Masters: coins, items, gems and stars. You can find coins, items and jewels in the game, jewels can be bought in the shop with real money, items with coins. By exchanging items , you can do the following:- Unlock new actions: Theoretically, each companion has four slots for actions. At the beginning, not everyone is occupied. You learn new actions with the Training Machine, where you pay with items.
- Level Limit Exceeded: In the beginning, your companions can only ascend to a certain level in the regular gameplay. In order to reach a higher level, you must exceed the so-called level limits with the help of the item Reinforcement Manual, which is available in three different versions.
Stars can only be purchased and spent during the game - but by paying for them with jewels or items. You either receive stars if you get one you already own in the quest search, or if you use the item "Potential Passes". With stars you can increase the potential of a companion , which increases its maximum level and strengthens the fellow attacks. You can do this in the Café of the Pokémon Center. Each companion can have a maximum of five stars.
7. You can make friends - and play in co-op
Pokémon Masters does not have a PvP multiplayer. As already mentioned, you do not have to play alone. From the 11th chapter in the story mode, you unlock the co-op mode . To compete with friends here you have to - like in Pokémon GO - exchange your individual ID . Unlike in the singleplayer, you do not control all three companions at the same time in the co-op, but only one. The other two are either controlled by your friends or by the AI, you lack a teammate.Nevertheless, you are going to fight with three companions - that is, you and your fellow combatants have nine companions in total and no longer only three. While one of your companions is active, you have the other two in the hindquarters. All three have their own health indicator, you can change them freely and have even more tactical options - assuming you have not just changed, because then the cool-down timer is activated shortly.
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