Firefox Clear is basically a normal Firefox browser, but always running in "private mode". Various "followers" are automatically blocked, while the surf session can be completely deleted by clicking on the trash can without leaving traces behind. What is a stand-alone browser on Android is subject to the usual restrictions on iOS and unfortunately can only serve as a content blocker for Safari.
What can Firefox clear?
Firefox Clear for Android is a full-fledged browser, but its main focus is on securing privacy. Unlike the "normal" Firefox for Android , this browser can not be extended by add-ons or use link collections. Firefox Sure, something like a "one-way browser" . You start the app, enter an address and the page is already loaded. When you're done, tap the trashcan icon and the entire surf history will be erased - including all cookies, passwords or bookmarks. The next session starts again with a clean browser at zero.A special "stealth mode" ensures in Firefox that you can not make screenshots, but the browser does not show the last visited page in the list of recently used apps.
Other blocks may require some fine adjustments. For example, Firefox clearly offers, among other things, an advertising tracking, an analysis tracking and the tracking of social networks. The different tracking methods are therefore undermined so that, for example, Facebook can not track which pages we have visited consecutively. But it may also block embedded videos and other elements that you would actually like to see. And then you have to become active and deactivate various blockages in the settings.
Settings in Firefox Sure
Clearly, Firefox does two things: The browser displays web pages and it blocks content that attacks our privacy. What is blocked and what comes through the locks, you can specify in the settings.
Since Firefox clearly blocks advertising, you can not access the pages of the "Bild-Zeitung". This can not be changed because you are still locked even after the deactivation of all blockages. But most display problems on pages with reasonable filters should not cause you any problems.
While surfing, you can always use the three dots in the top right to call up a menu that shows you the number of currently blocked trackers and where you can turn off the blockade at short notice. If you are looking for a more permanent solution, then tap on the settings in the same menu . The blockade of advertising tracking , analysis tracking , and social network tracking is already pre-set. You can still activate the rather nebulous "other content tracking" , but this may involve videos or slide shows and interfere with the presentation.
Here you can also choose a search engine other than Google or disable the stealth mode if you want to take screenshots. At this point, you can also make sure that Firefox Clear is now your default browser, which then call, for example, apps like Google Search to show you web pages.
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